Q. How can I keep from striping the Philips head screws out on my bike. A. Always use the correct size high quality screwdriver, use a impact driver (air or hand) if available. One important thing with philips screwdrivers is to apply downward force as you turn. You could also try to break loose the screw with Vise Grips first if it's not a countersunk screw. Also, make sure the head is clean and not full of crud!
Note that there aren't any Phillips on these bikes, they're all JIS screws. Use a JIS driver. See:
Q. I just got a bike, but have NO tools. Can you suggest a few to start with? A. Get a set of 3/8 drive 6 POINT Metric sockets and a ratchet, a set of screwdrivers, a set of Vise Grips, a set of combination open/box end Metric wrenches, a digital multimeter, a 6" curved hemostat, a small ball peen hammer, and a 2 lb hand hammer. All should be Sears Craftsman quality or above. Unless you are feeding your kids Crisco sandwiches to save money, if you buy the best, you will only cry once.
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