Base readings for aftermarket stators

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This page is for the addition of baseline figures for testing aftermarket CDI stators. It is little use in trouble shooting if you don't know what the figures are meant to be in the first place.

Readings will be taken from a new example of each and each brand will be added as the info becomes available.

Caltric 5/9 - 8/9 -


  • 5/9 - 500 ohms 8/9 - 5 ohms
  • 5/9 - 479 Ohms 8/9 4 ohms (thanks Mats Torgersen, bought from David Silvers)

RM stator {China} 5/9 - 297 ohms 8/9 - 8 ohms 5/8 - 306 ohms.

Ricks motorsports (eBay US, eBay AU):

  • 5/9 275 - 360 ohms
  • 8/9 5.5 - 7 ohms

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